Yoga en studio
Dès la rentrée 2024, retrouve moi tous les mardis soirs à l’espace Yuzu pour des cours de yoga relaxants en petit comité (6 élèves maximum). Chaque séance est une invitation à se reconnecter à son corps, à cultiver la bienveillance envers soi et à explorer ses sensations dans le mouvement, les postures et la respiration.
Quand? Tous les mardis 20-21h à partir du 3 septembre 2024
Où? 240, rue de la Croix Nivert, Paris 75015 (espace Yuzu)
Pour qui? Ce cours est adapté à tous les niveaux et accessible aux débutants.

At home yoga
At home yoga is aimed at anyone who seeks individual support. It offers the freedom to practice in the comfort of your home, at a chosen time, duration and style of yoga while being guided all along.
*Paris and Ile-de-France only.
Choose the type of yoga that suits you...
Share your practice with your loved ones!
Even if yoga is an individual practice, a yoga class is a beautiful experience to share with your family or friends. It is the opportunity to take care of yourself and your loved ones all at once!
In office yoga
In office yoga is aimed at companies that are committed to taking care of their employees. Our current sedentary lifestyle and office working conditions have many consequences on our body.
Integrating yoga at work aims to:
More than a discipline, yoga is a well-being tool that allows one to work better and in better conditions.
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